The Anderson Lab
We study spatial patterns of environmental suitability ...,
and their ecological, evolutionary, and practical consequences.

Teaching Rotation
Biology 22800 - Ecology and Evolution Lecture
The course combines conceptual and quantitative approaches to topics including ecology, ecosystems, biogeography, genetics, evolution, and systematics. The laboratory is a series of exercises and experiments designed to introduce students to data collection and analysis, including interpretation of lab and field experiences. This course also covers current environmental issues critical to modern society. Major topics covered include: niche/distributions, population growth, species interactions, community structure/succession, species richness/diversity, island biogeography, fitness and selection, genetic drift, phylogeny/systematics, macroevolution, species concepts, speciation, and the relevance of ecology and evolution to society.
Biology 45000 - undergraduate Symbiosis
Symbiosis is a major phenomenon for all levels of living organisms, important in the evolution and adaptation of various groups. The course aims to explain methodology and approaches used in scientific inquiry on symbiotic interactions, in the context of our larger understanding of biotic interactions. This course will include lectures/discussions, writing clinics, and student presentations.
Biology 45800/A4580 - undergraduate and master's Biogeography
Introduction to biogeography, the study of spatial patterns of biological diversity. The course addresses the study of geographic variation in nature at all levels from genes to communities to ecosystems, with both ecological and evolutionary perspectives. It includes analyses of real data regarding biogeographic problems relevant to conservation biology.
Biology V/79012 - graduate Seminar in Zoogeography
This graduate seminar covers the conceptual basis and practical application of GIS-based techniques for modeling species’ niches and associated geographic distributions based on occurrence records and digital environmental data. Specifically, we focus on the problem of modeling using presence-only data (where occurrence records are available, but no data exist regarding absences). These techniques are general with regard to taxon and can be applied at any spatial scale, using a grain and extent relevant to the problem at hand. The course is designed for students with a specific research interest in using presence-only niche/distributional modeling.
R.P Anderson
I generally rotate among these four courses: