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Taxonomy, Phylogeny, & Fieldwork



Rob and other lab members have undertaken taxonomic studies of poorly known genera of mammals from the northern and central Neotropics (Mexico to Brazil).


Our goals here are to elucidate species boundaries and describe new species and elucidate phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships. These collection-based studies also provide extensive data sets for biogeographic analyses and conservation assessments.


Our current projects in this area include:

•    The mammalian faunas of sky islands, peripheral elements of the Sierra Madre Oriental in eastern Mexico (Gonzalo Pinilla and Robert Anderson)

•    Parasites of rodents in the “Los Mármoles” sky island of eastern Mexico (Erica Johnson)

•    Nongeographic variation in spiny pocket mice (Heteromyidae: Heteromys): comparative tests of growth and sexual dimorphism (Robert Anderson)


Skulls of Heteromys australis and H. anomalus; Anderson, 1999 

Participants, IUCN (World Conservation Union) Global Mammal Assessment, Andean small mammals workshop, Villa de Leyva, Boyacá, Colombia, 6–10 February 2006.  Robert Anderson is standing behind Belkis Rivas, who is wearing a pink shirt.

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© R. P. Anderson 

Copyright © 2004-2023.

Unless noted, all photographs by RPA (except images of lab members)

(Visitors since launch on 22 Sept. 2015)

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